I saw a yummy looking treat on
katrina's site a while back and decided to try it, but I failed to get the caramels needed, so I just make "regular" rice krispie treats with the jumbo version. There is something different about these jumbo krispies...I really liked it.

They are made from whole grain (supposedly), so I guess that technically makes these healthier. Plus, rice krispies aren't the most decadent of treats to start with. I do recommend these, though...it is a jumbo pan of fun!

Also, check out Sarah's giveaway
here. It's her first food giveaway and would be a great snack to have if you're on call or running around busy with the kids or just out and can't get to food quickly.
Jumbo Krispies
3-4 T melted butter or margarine
1 bag (14-16oz) marshmallows
6 cups jumbo rice krispies
Melt the butter and marshmallows in a sauce pan. Stir the melted mixture over the krispies while stirring. Very quickly spread the mixture in a greased 13X9 pan and allow to cool. Enjoy.
I haven seen the Jumbo Rice Krispies. Have to keep an eye out for them.
RCT's are one of my favorites. Love them.
Rice Krispies' treats bring out the kid in me. Yummy.
Also, you won the KAF Whole Grain Baking book. I couldn't find your email to let you know. Contact alpineberry [at] gmail {d0t} com so I can get your information. Thanks!
Cash loves the jump krispies! Though he hasn't had them like THIS yet. Ha.
Glad the cake was a hit! I didn't even offer the glaze and it was still popular!
Hmm, I wonder what planet I've been on. Never seen jumbo rice krispies. I guess I'll have to stick with regular decadent treats.
Love jumbo Rice Krispy treats!
Look at those photos... you have made even rice crispies look yummy!
I still can't find the jumbo whole grain krispies. They look good, though!
I'm leaning towards officially liking the rice krispies treat better with the Jumbo cereal. I've made them more than once, and just seem to like them better.
Thanks for the link, Claire.
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