Sunday, October 02, 2016

Second Grade!

How is Kate in second grade!?  I can't believe she is already that grown.
 We had registration on Wednesday and found out that she has Ms. Hurt.  On the way out, we saw one of our friends who had her a couple of years ago and loved her, which made this mama feel better!
Friday was the first day of school and she had the traditional first day of school pancakes - this year with a 2 for second grade! 
This year, Kate says that her favorite color is blue and she wants to be a dentist.
 Mama, Daddy and Caleb all walked Kate to the classroom.
 It was a humid day and we ended up parking all the way at the high school because traffic was SO backed up (it was the right thing to do as we we walking out of the school before the cars originally in front of us even got to the school!). 
We got a picture of Kate with Ms. Hurt (which ended up being used by the school district in a newsletter!). 
Then we checked out her desk and got her settled. 
She is having a great year so far.  We are so proud of her hard work, good behavior, and how well she is doing with reading.  We are also thankful for the evidence of the Holy Spirit's presence and work in her life!

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