Six months down, two and a half years to go! Really, I love my job, but after 3 calls in a row and not getting much sleep, I was ready for a break...and it was wonderful! My Christmas was spent at the hospital taking care of sick babies. My last call was especially harried. I don't think I stopped from 2 until 10, when I finally got some "supper." Then I was up basically the rest of the night. I had to walk to the adult hospital to see a kid (who was sleeping peacefully with NO problems) in the bone marrow unit, dealt with a family who was freaking out because their child was "vomiting" uncontrollably, and checked on a kid on albuterol nebs. I did end up having one really sick kid. The reason I was called to the floor was to see a child who was "fussy!" I went up there begrudgingly but when I got there, the kid was really working to breathe and had oxygen saturations of 54% on 5L of oxygen (supposed to be 95+% on room air!). My goodness...I spend two hours working with that kid and ended up talking to the PICU about taking the kid down there. It was a busy night. Looking back on it, I realized that I am learning but I also realized that I am brittle.

When I was getting some of those calls, I got so frustrated. I probably didn't respond initially in a tone that I should have. I found myself constantly praying as I walked from floor to floor. Praying for my patients and their parents, for friends who are going through a horrible experience, for friends seeking what they should do next year, for myself as I try to take care of patients. I cannot do this without help...I am brittle, weak. But my God is strong. He who keeps me does not slumber (when I need sleep), He will not allow my foot to slip (when I stumble on my own everyday), He is able (when I am not on my own). Why am I brittle? I sin. We all sin. But God wants us to be with Him, to be near Him; yet, we can't because of sin. So, He sent the perfect sacrifice, Jesus, His own Son, to pay the price for our make us righteous (no longer broken or brittle) in His eyes. How can we be made whole, made righteous? The only way is through faith in Christ...nothing we do, no matter how "good" we are, can save us. It is only through faith in Christ that we are made righteous. How thankful I am that He has given me the most precious gift of all through His sacrifice! I pray that He makes me whole day by day and that my brittleness only drives me to seek Him more!

While I was working over Christmas, my parents were in town, staying of a BRAND NEW matress. They brought lots of holiday treats, including my Granny's peanut brittle. Oh, so good...and the perfect tide-me-over for those little afternoon grumbles! One thing you have to be sure of is that you get RAW peanuts. My dad even showed me the bag before I came home yesterday. His bag said blanched raw peanuts. This is definitely a wonderful treat for the holidays, but I'm going to have to make it sometime soon (maybe Valentines day?) with almonds...sounds like a fun little change! So, try out THIS's the good kind!

Peanut Brittle
2 cups raw peanuts (or other nut you'd like to use)
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup white Karo
1 tsp bakind soda
Cook until peanuts begin to pop (if they still have the skins on) and syrup seems almost scorched (it will be VERY dark). Remove from heat and add 1 tsp baking soda. Pour out onto greased cookie sheet (or I'm sure Sil-pat would work well). Break into pieces when cool. ENJOY!
We made peanut brittle for XMAS and it didn't turn out. Will have to give your granny's recipe a try.
Hang in there. God will guide you.
What a nice post. Your heart is in the right place so I'm sure everything else will follow suit. You can do it!
I LOVE peanut brittle. My grandmother made great brittle, too.
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