Sunday, May 25, 2014

22 Weeks - The Week I "Popped"

I think I have officially "popped!"  I'm not sure I can really look non-pregnant anymore unless you're looking from the front. 
I still have some days where I feel bigger than others.  Yesterday was K's ballet recital.  I had a bit of a wardrobe crisis and couldn't wear what I wanted.  I ended up in this outfit, which kind of was on the "less pregnant" side.

Thankfully, we went shopping yesterday and I got some new clothes to wear to work (in addition to the ones I've already borrowed from great friends!).  It was fun and will hopefully last me through to the end. 

I'm already struggling with coming up with menus for our dinners.  Not much really jumps out to me food-wise right now.  No real aversions but no craving either. Plus, I'm getting tired around 5pm.  I kind of have the "week off" as K is gone for the week.  So, I got stuff to make David's favorite (meatloaf) and I will just find whatever for me.  We also have to do some cleaning for an open house this week.  Hopefully, it will be productive.  This picture is from today - big difference from yesterday.  Go figure!

Due Date: September 25, 2014
How Far Along: 22 weeks (and 3 days)
Fruit/Veggie: Corn/Spaghetti Squash - 12 inches, one pound
Gender: It's a BOY!
 Exercise: Still exercising almost daily.  Actually did modified Burpees this week and felt good doing it.  I tried a new class, Piloxing, and LOVED it!  It has some dance in it and made me remember my ballet days.  :-)
Sleep: Sleep is off and on.  I had one night when I woke up (due to K waking me up) and couldn't go back to sleep for an hour due to feeling like my abs were splitting apart.

Cravings: eating is kind of hit or miss right now - no cravings and it makes it a little difficult to decide what I want to eat
What I love: Feeling my sweet boy move around!  Looking pregnant!  I love putting my hand on my belly and feeling like it's actually a pregnant belly.  I love how David looks at me!
What I miss: turning over in bed easily, being able to go "full out" at the gym
What I'm looking forward to: a new "to us" house, baby shopping, solidifying a name, David feeling the baby move
What I'm thankful for: my husband who takes care of me; family and friends who share excitement with us; getting some new maternity work clothes, a good weekend watching K dance, spending time with family, and one less day of clinic this week!

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