This past weekend my mom's family had our reunion. It's always fun and we are currently adding new members just about every year.

My cousin's little boy has autism as well as some food allergies, so his diet is limited. Friday night she decided to make a meal for all of us that he could it. It was pretty good...taquitos, guacamole, and salad. On Saturday we usually grill out. However, everyone is responsible to bring a sweet and salty snack to share. I took hummus for my salty along with carrots and broccoli. I actually took two sweet snacks...
puppy chow, just like
Cate made last week, and a yummy
new recipe from Peabody.
When I saw the recipe I wondered why she had called them toffee bars. There wasn't any toffee in there. Nope...none of that crunchy, tooth tugging, cavity forming goodness. Hmmm...WELL! When I tasted it, I knew why. It TASTED like toffee. So good. I thought it tasted better cold (as I tasted it after pulling it out of the freezer). So, if you love toffee but have braces or TMJ issues or don't want to damage your dental work...or if you just love toffee, give these a try! So good!

Brown Sugar Toffee Bars adapted from Peabody
1 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 cup firmly packed dark brown sugar
1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
½ cup rice flour
¼ tsp salt
1 cup semiweet chocolate chips
3 ounces almonds, finely chopped
Preheat oven to 325°F. Spray baking spray in a 9-x-13-inch pan. Beat 1 cup butter in large bowl until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Add brown sugar and beat on medium high until fully incorporated. Turn mixer to low speed and mix in flours and salt. Press dough into prepared pan. It is a bit thin but will cover the pan easily. Bake until shortbread is brown, firm at edges and slightly soft in center, about 30 minutes.
Take shortbread out of oven. Sprinkle chocolate chips evenly over the shortbread. Place back in oven for 3 minutes. Remove from oven and using a spatula, spread the chocolate out evenly over the shortbread. Sprinkle the almond pieces on top of the chocolate. Let cool. Place in freezer for 10 minutes (helps with the cutting). Cut into rectangles about the size of graham cracker rectangles (the smallest size of the graham cracker).
oh that looks delicious! toffee is pretty much appropriate EVERYWHERE ;)
Family reunions are the best.
Yum! Fun times with family. The toffee bars look and sound awesome! Love the almond lurking in your last photo!
I liked them cold as well! That is too funny. Glad you liked them.
you know, I saw that post and didn't even notice there wasn't any toffee in it!! they look delicious
First off, you have a lovely family :) Secondly, that is some of the best looking toffee I have ever seen. I'm like you, prior to my knee injury, I would bake just to bake, even if I knew some may not like it or there were only two of us at the time to eat it *now only one, a horrible breakup :(*, but I know that feeling about just needing to cook/bake - it consumes me! You always do such a beautiful job and I wish I could taste some of your amazing creations and takes on tried and true yummies!
Oh my gosh, that sounds and looks fabulous!
Those look good. Rice flour is not something that I have in my pantry. Is there something more common that can be substituted?
What a great picture! Is that you on the far left, long dark hair?
My family isn't much into reunions, but we do holidays like nobody's biz. I might have to make those toffee bars for Father's Day!
I adore family get-togethers and what lovely treat you brought! They sound fantastic :)
Pearl - Thanks...I love toffee.
Chou - They are great!
Katrina - Yeah, it didn't quite get chopped up like the rest! Family is the best.
Peabody - Great minds think alike! :-)
Jaime - I read through the recipe and thought something was off...until I made them! :-)
LisaMichele- I hope you get to where you can cook again...even if it is just to take to the office! Thanks, I love my family.
Cate - this is the recipe I was talking about should try it!
Ramona - I'd try it with just regular flour...I did go buy the rice flour, though! Wanted to try it as written first.
Abby - Thanks! We don't all live close enough to do holidays (plus, with all the little kids, that would be hard), so we do a reunion each year so we can see everyone. It's fun.
Danielle - Thanks! Aren't family things the best?!
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