Sunday, June 03, 2007

Lists and Links

Do you ever find yourself wanting to look at some new food blogs? I mean, you enjoy the ones you look at everyday, but you want something different, something fresh, someone who's not on vacation. Well, The Leftover Queen has something just for you! It's called the Foodie Blogroll. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post - she'll then send you the computer gobbledigoop that programs the blogroll for your site, then you add it to your sidebar, and you're all set! Your blog will be on the roll, so you may be getting more readers, and you have a way to find new blogs to read! If you're curious, just check it out at the bottom of my sidebar.

Now for a recipe link. There seems to be an infatuation with Snickerdoodles among the blogging world lately. Peabody has given us her snickerdoodle muffins , which I still need to try!, and many people have started trying the cookie. I decided last week, after it seems not baking in FOREVER because of my studies, to make snickerdoodle. However, I wanted to try a recipe different from my usual. So, I went on a search. I couldn't find any of the cookie posts I had seen on other blogs so I tried CookingLight. Well, they had one recipe and I tried it. Now, this recipe isn't bad, I just like my original better. To me, there seemed to be a little something missing from this cookie but I can't put my finger on it. These are very crisp cookies but soften a little if you microwave 54 calories a cookie (if you make them as small as directed!), they're not that bad. No picture of the cookie today, just the link!


  1. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Snickerdoodles are probably my favorite cookie, but I am very particular to only certain recipes.

    You've got to try those muffins, btw. They are to die for!

  2. Anonymous11:37 PM

    What? No photo? I'm so disappointed! j/k :-)

    Now you know I'm going to have to make cookies tomorrow ...

  3. Kristen - Me too! I just love them...but wasn't fond of this one. Although I like my recipe, I want to try and find one that is good but doesn't have quite as many ingredients.

    Alisha - Sorry! :-) I Just didn't take the time to take pictures of these cookies b/c they weren't great. What kind are you making?

  4. Cool, more foodie blogs to read :)

    You know, I've heard of Snickerdoodles all my life and while I've had one, I have never actually made any :) I am a total chocoholic and snickerdoodles and sugar cookies and non-chocolate baked things are just not high on my list. Sigh. Boring, huh?

    BTW, my sister has a Snickerdoodle Muffin recipe posted on our site. I've never made it, but it might be pretty good. In fact, it might be really similar to what you've seen before. Oh, and I will say, as much as I love Cooking Light, I rarely have success with their dessert/baked recipes. I have much more luck with their meat, veggie, casserole, etc, type of dishes. :)

    Have a great week, Claire! :)

  5. I wont eat a cookie that is described as "not that bad." Because that says to me...not that good. I wonder what was missing...probably BUTTER :)

  6. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Those muffins are so awesome!!!
