I don't have much time on Wednesdays to cook because I work (or got ot school) all day and then have church at night. Sooooo...tonight I think it would be fun to give some healthy snack ideas. This summer I'm working in pediatrics at a hospital in Mississippi. As many of you know, this wonderful state is in competition with Louisiana for fattest state! Not something to be proud of; so, one of the things that the pediatricians say it to make treats healthy. If Mama tells child an apple or banana is a treat, child will think an apple or banana is a treat.
Sometimes, I think, though, that plain fruit might seem "everyday." So, to really make it a treat do something fun. Take bananas and peel them. Stick a popsickle stick in it and pop it in the freezer. This is SO very good. If you want to dress it up. Let it thaw for a minute and dip in chocolate. Healthy, special, and delicious. Other fruits a good frozen as well; I've done grapes and peaches. Frozen fruit can also be used along with some yogurt, blended and enjoyed as a smoothy.
One more quick frozen treat is to take graham crackers, spread some cool-whip on top, and return to the freezer for an "ice cream sandwich." Hope these snack ideas help someone with their kiddos and keep us healthy!
The frozen banana dipped in chocolate sounds like a great snack...for adults too!